P.O. Box 1679
Phone (304) 732-7941
Fax (304) 732-6709

Please take notice that the Wyoming County Board of Health, during the March 18,2024, Board of Health Meeting Approved a revision to the Fees for Permit Schedule to be effective July 1, 2024 contingent upon West Virginia Legislature Rule 64CSR30 being repealed. The fees are to be used for the public health programs for which the fees are collected, and no portion of these fees will be used for any purpose outside the authority of the Wyoming County Board of Health. There will be a thirty (30) day comment period beginning March 26,2024 and ending April 26, 2024. Copies of the regulation can be obtained at the Wyoming County Health Department during normal business hours Monday through Friday 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. THIS NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY LAW TO BE IN THE FORM OF A LEGAL NOTICE