Prosecuting Attorney
The Wyoming County Prosecutor's Office's primary goal is to protect the health and property of the citizens of Wyoming County. The Prosecutor's Office works closely with the law enforcement community as an investigative resource and as a legal resource when there is a question regarding interpretation of the law. In addition, the office serves to represent the community when seeking to hold those persons accountable that choose to offend the community. The office is not available to offer legal advice to the citizens nor serve as the legal counsel for individials, except in very rare events. We recommend that persons seeking legal advice first seek the counsel of an attorney. ​​Other duties and responsibilities of the Prosecuting Attorney include:
​​The prosecution of all crimes, both misdemeanors and felonies, within the county
Request warrants to be issued for persons charged with felonies
Try cases before magistrate and circuit judges
Present information to the Grand Jury for indictment of persons in connection with criminal activity
Represent the Department of Health & Human Resources in child abuse and neglect cases
Represent the State in juvenile delinquency cases
Appoint and supervise assistant prosecuting attorneys
Represent all elected county officials and county agencies
Prepare contracts and other documents for the county
File civil suits for county agencies and defend county agencies against civil actions
Serve as special prosecutors as appointed by the Prosecuting Attorneys Institute

Greg Bishop
Crime Victims Compensation Fund
Drug Addiction Resources:
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence 1-800-537-2238
Battered Women's Justice Project 1-800-903-0111
Resource Center on Child Protection and Custody 1-800-527-3223
Health Resource Center on Domestic violence 1-888-792-2873
Missing Child Hotline 1-800-843-5678
Crime Victim's Compensation Fund 1-877-562-6878
Contact Info:
P.O. Box 462
Pineville, WV 24874
Phone: (304) 732-8000
Fax: (304) 732-6052
Office hours:
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.