County Clerk
The County Clerk's Office is located on the ground floor of the Courthouse on the corner of Bank and Main Street, Pineville, WV.
​The County Clerk is the Chief Election Official of the County
The County Clerk is the Chief Payroll Officer of the County
The Clerk's Office provides and maintains the accounting & financial records of the County
Records Vital Statistics
Records Real Estate Records
Probates and records Wills
Issue Marriage License
Maintain Voter Registration Records
Recording fees are set by the State of WV. Please refer to the State Code for proper recording fees.
Transfer stamp fee schedule is $5.50 per $1,000.00
Marriage Licenses
Can be issued for anyone 18 years or older without a 3-day waiting period.
16-18 years of age has a 3-day waiting period and must have parental consent.
Less than 16 years of age has a 3-day waiting period, must have parental Judge's consent.
No blood test is required.
Must provide documentation of age, Bride and Groom must sign the application.
Voter Registration
Must provide proof of residency.
Must provide proof of age.
Early voting is also available 20 days prior to any statewide election.
May register online at the WV Secretary of State at wvsos.com or visit our office.
Birth, death and marriage records dating back to 1850 are recorded here.
Visit Elections tab for real time election results during an election or to view previous election results
Deputy Clerks
Samantha Cline,(Chief Deputy)-Cindy Brooks (Record Room)-Amanda Justice (Record Room) -Bridgette Jewell (Payroll)-Savannah Fortner (Bookkeeping)-Morgan Abbott( Probate)-Robin Cook- (Elections)

Jewell Aguilar
Contact Info:
P.O. Box 309
Pineville, WV 24874
Phone: (304) 732-8000
Fax: (304) 732-9659
samantha.cline@wycowv.comOffice hours:
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Due to COVID-19 Certain restrictions have been placed on access into the Courthouse. Please call for specific information as details could change daily.
Thank you and stay safe!